For some reason I suddenly have this urge to buy killathrill clothing. I'm guessing they don't make anything my size. Drat.
OOH! OOH!! Obama is on! Thank goodness for PBS!!
this is skill.
and a man who's quick to adapt.
For some reason I suddenly have this urge to buy killathrill clothing. I'm guessing they don't make anything my size. Drat.
OOH! OOH!! Obama is on! Thank goodness for PBS!!
this is skill.
and a man who's quick to adapt.
Those acrobatic planes are wonders. The pilot knew how to use the control surfaces he had left and was magical improvising with the throttle and prop. Amazing video. Any landing you walk away from is a good one.
my gal is having some issues.
she's gone to her doctor and he ruled out a bunch of ailments but she still isn't feeling good.
a friend of hers said what needs to be done is a cleansing fast.
I forgot a couple of details from the question I recieved. She is in really great shape, exercises regularly, and doesn't eat a lot of junk food. I did ask if her pooping had changed recently and she said that she had not noticed anything.
my gal is having some issues.
she's gone to her doctor and he ruled out a bunch of ailments but she still isn't feeling good.
a friend of hers said what needs to be done is a cleansing fast.
Thanks for all the replies. Reading through them was a bit like reading the various sites I visited - cleansing is great, cleansing is quackery, cleanse for a couple of days, cleanse for a couple of weeks, etc. Thanks for the heads up that the photos are not evidence of actual results. I was wondering how in the world that much "stuff" would accumulate in the gut. Speaking of photos -
Oh why oh why Frozen One did you have to suggest NOT looking at the pictures. Of course curiosity got the best of me and I had to google it . . . been dry heaving ever since *burp* LOL! I wrote that just hoping that someone would post this reply. Thank you! You made my day. Someone sent me a PM (thanks for taking a personal interest) asking what my gal was experiencing and I'll answer to everyone still reading. She feels bloated all the time and has developed what appears to be a "baby bump." In fact I noticed the "baby bump" a couple of months ago and had a few sleepless nights because of it. I didn't want to just blurt out the obvious question because if she were preggers I would hope she'd tell me without me questioning and if she were not knock up...well women tend to not appreciate being asked if they are pregnant when they are not. Then my gal told me she had made a doctors appt because she needed to find out what was going on and also she was getting tired of being asked if she were expecting..."Which I'm not. People just come up with the craziest BS!" She also says her joints hurt but she attributes that to colder weather. I attribute it to her getting older (she is 42), but I will not be pointing that fact out. She did say she has gained a few pounds not that I noticed. Really. Other than noticing her boobs are a little bigger. She went to the doctor and the doctor(s) actually did a pregnancy test ("We need to rule out the possibilities."), a pelvic exam, an ultra-sound on some of her innards, and some other tests and everything has been normal. She's going back for more testing in a couple of weeks. In the meantime she is kicking around the cleansing fast idea.
my gal is having some issues.
she's gone to her doctor and he ruled out a bunch of ailments but she still isn't feeling good.
a friend of hers said what needs to be done is a cleansing fast.
My gal is having some issues. She's gone to her doctor and he ruled out a bunch of ailments but she still isn't feeling good. A friend of hers said what needs to be done is a cleansing fast. Not knowing anything about a cleansing fast we googled it. I'll give you some advice here. If you happen to google "cleansing fast" and find a link to a photo gallery, do not, repeat DO NOT follow it unless you have a high tolerance for grossness. The pictures of what came out of people were amazingly disgusting. My question is has anyone on the board done a cleansing fast? What did you do and what were the results? Did you feel better?
so i have been having problems with the renters that moved in next door.
the last 3 months have been a living hell.
i have an ongoing complaint with the slumlord that owns the property and the city is taking him to court for derelict vehicles next week (which i anonymously complained about, but i am sure i am being blamed for).
One other thing regarding weapons. I am armed to the teeth although most of my weapons were not purchased for protection. That said, building relationships with neighbors will in the long run bring more peace to a neighborhood than having everyone living in lockdown with a firearm handy.
so i have been having problems with the renters that moved in next door.
the last 3 months have been a living hell.
i have an ongoing complaint with the slumlord that owns the property and the city is taking him to court for derelict vehicles next week (which i anonymously complained about, but i am sure i am being blamed for).
Hey Snakes,
Sorry to hear about your problem. I've had similar problems over the years where I live. My house is located in the so called bad part of town but I refuse to leave because I kind of like the location and the neighborhood has too much potential to abandon.
Based on my experience I'd guess that there are other people in the neighborhood that are troubled also. Seek these people out and get to know them. You need to move your relationships beyond the "nod" level. Talk to them. Find people on your block who own the house they are living in. Find the people who are renters that have been living there for years (like you). Talk to these people. You'll probably find out you are not alone and your neighbors are sick of the trouble maker also. Offer to have these neighbors over to your house to discuss the problem. Contact your police department and find out if an officer is assigned to your neighborhood. Contact this officer and meet him/her. When you have the neighborhood meet and greet at your house, invite this police officer to the meeting. If you don't have an assigned officer, contact the police and request they send someone to your meeting. That way you will by default have a neighborhood cop. Believe it or not but cops like working with people who are proactive, not just reactive. The idea is to get as many like minded people into the room to discuss the problem and come up with a solution. This approach has worked really well in my neighborhood. It takes some effort, but the benefits are well worth it.
Good luck.
and marvin shilmer's blood pressure ;) .
you think im rich, dont you?
by david glenn cox .
Nice copy and paste from Kos, sixy. From an earlier thread, "I don't really spend almost any time on Kos, and I've never posted anything from there here." I guess there is a "first" time for everything. Not that there's anything wrong with presenting EXTREME left wing, fabricated, propaganda, to bolster an argument. Obama2008 has been doing it for a couple of years now.
Its interesting that people are focusing on this Joe person and not discussing Obama's answer. If I remember correctly, Obama said "I'm not punishing your success but I want to ensure that those behind you can succeed also." What I take away from this part of the answer is that once a producing earner nets $250k/year they are now standing in the way of others to succeed. If you cross that magic threshold of a quarter of a million, in Obama's view you are a barrier that the Federal Government must hold down.
The second part of the clip I saw had Obama saying, "I think wealth should be spread around." First off, I don't believe $250,000 net/year is "wealth." It's pretty good, but I know people, most of them couples, who make that a year and I wouldn't call them wealthy. But, suppose Obama's plan goes through and you make the $250k and you end up paying 39% vs 36%. Not having a tax schedule handy but understanding the tax code is graduated, you would not pay an extra $7,500 per year. For arguments sake I'll guess you will pay an extra $5,000 per year. If I had the $5,000 per year I might do something like hire a carpenter to replace a few windows in my house. Or I might take my gal on a nice vacation. Or I might trade my bike for a new one. Maybe I'd spend a little on lot of different things like dinners out, weekend trips, furniture, or to pay the kid down the street to mow my lawn. I might even go to the local strip joint and throw wads of cash at those struggling single moms who want to buy diapers and shoes for their kids. If I were really smart I might put that $5,000 into the stock market because there are some real bargains to be had right now. My point is if I had the $5,000 it would end up finding its way back into the economy or to put it another way the "wealth would be spread around." The only way the wealth can't be spread around is if I put it in a coffee can and bury it in the backyard. I'm guessing that what Obama meant when he said he likes to "spread the wealth" is that he, Obama, doesn't trust the earner's judgement in determining how that wealth is spread. Only Obama is wise enough to determine who or what is and isn't worthy of getting a taste.
One other thing I don't understand is why some people are so gleeful about anyone's taxes being raised. Google "who pays taxes." I've seen charts that show that the top 50% of earners pay 97% of Federal tax with the top 1% paying 40%. I can see why people in the bottom 50% who are paying 3% of the taxes (Obama's base) feel that they are overburdened.
The problem is not a lack of revenue. The Feds collected $2.4 trillion and change in revenue last year while spending $3 trillion. If the Fed collected $3 trillion the Fed would spend $3.5 trillion. If the Fed collected $3.5 trillion, the Fed would spend $4 trillion. The problem is one of no fiscal restraint and Congress, Obama or McCain cannot be counted on to reverse the trend. That is the problem people should be talking about.
Dean Barkley for US Senate!
some of my jw relatives are coming to visit for the weekend.
i hope we have an enjoyable time, but these are hardcore believers.
anyway, the least you people can do is have a fantastic weekend on my behalf.
Thanks Shelly. I always have good weekends no matter the circumstances. Life is too short not to have good weekends.
They are very aware that I have had nothing to do with the corporation for years and years. They also know that I am quick to point out the hypocritical teachings of the company and ask questions they would rather not contemplate. I suspect I'll take them around town Saturday doing the tourist stuff and on Sunday they'll get up and head to the local KH on their way home. If they do want to discuss Witness topics, I'll say, "Yes lets do that. Lets have an open and honest discussion about the Society." That usually ends the discussion.